Friday, February 3, 2023 12:30pm
About this Event
Bring your publishing questions and conundrums to this talk that will cover the essentials of publishing for scholars. We will broach any topic that is of interest to the audience, including: How do I choose a press? What if my top press says no? What is the difference between a trade and a crossover book? How do I pitch my book to editors or agents? What does a good book proposal look like? What kind of timeline can I expect to my finished book? How do I turn my dissertation into a book? Is there a difference between a first book and a second book? What does a book contract look like, and what should I watch out for? How do publishers decide what the price will be? Should I work with an agent? And more!
Adina Popescu Berk is senior editor for history at Yale University Press. She has worked at Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, Basic Books, and Westview Press and has worked on trade books, scholarly books, textbooks, journals, and digital publications in history, psychology, sociology, and African American studies. She holds a Ph.D. in history from Columbia University.
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