Friday, January 27, 2023 12pm to 1pm
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1120 NW 14th St, Room 873, Miami, FL 33136
Text Recycling (AKA “Self-Plagiarism”) in Scientific Writing: Thorny Issues and Best Practices
Cary Moskovitz, PhD, Duke University
Scientists often have reason to reuse content from previous papers in their new ones: descriptions of methods, background material, theoretical frameworks, and so on. Some uses of text recycling are widely considered appropriate; others are universally condemned. Given the variety of ways in which scientists might recycle text, they are often unsure about what is and isn't ethical or even legal. This presentation will review the ethical and legal complexities of text recycling in research writing, present a new taxonomy of text recycling, and explain best practices for recycling material across a range of research contexts.
Dr. Moskovitz has served as Director of Writing in the Disciplines in the Thompson Writing Program at Duke University since 2005. He holds a PhD in aerospace engineering from North Carolina State University and a Masters of Architecture from Virginia Tech. He is director of the NSF-funded Text Recycling Research Project. His articles and essays related to writing pedagogy and text recycling have appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education, Science, Research Integrity and Peer Review, Bioscience, Science and Engineering Ethics, and the Journal of College Science Teaching.
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