Monday, October 30, 2023 12pm
About this Event
Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a widespread issue, affecting over 40% of women and over 26% of men in their lifetime, and the numbers are even higher for queer and trans communities. Because research has shown that there are many life long health consequences of IPV, healthcare providers have an important role to play in prevention and intervention. On this webinar, participants will learn how to implement the evidence-based, trauma-informed, universal education intervention called “CUES” (Confidentiality limits, Universal Education, Empowerment and Support). CUES can be used both to support patients experiencing IPV, and also to promote prevention. The intervention relies on a safety card to provide guidance to health providers on how to talk to patients about any concerning behavior of those around them and encourages early education about healthy and unhealthy relationships. This session also includes guidance on creating partnerships with local domestic violence agencies, in order to respond effectively and compassionately should violence be disclosed. By implementing universal prevention strategies and partnering with community based anti-violence organizations, practitioners can create more holistic and trauma-informed approaches to promoting survivor safety and health.
Objectives: As a result of this workshop, participants will be better able to:
Discuss the dynamics and health impact of intimate partner violence
Learn how to use CUES (Confidentiality, Universal Education, Empowerment and Support) framework and safety card tools to help providers initiate conversation with patients with IPV
Build partnerships with domestic violence programs to further support survivors
Throughout October, the University of Miami Title IX Office will collaborate with University partners to commemorate Domestic Violence Awareness Month. A series of events and programs will highlight intimate partner violence and raise recognition about support and available resources.
Title IXUser Activity
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