Thursday, November 16, 2023 4pm
About this Event
900 N.W. 17th Street Miami, Florida, 33136 #GrossLecture, #CalderMedLibThe Louis Calder Memorial Library at the Miller School of Medicine cordially invites you to the 17th Biennial Ralph H. and Ruth F. Gross Endowed Lecture on Thursday, November 16 at 4pm. The event will be held at the Jose Berrocal Auditorium, located at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute.
This year's lecture, STRONGER AGING: An Integrative Health Approach to Preventing Decline, will be presented by Karen Koffler, M.D., Medical Director for the Osher Center for Integrative Health, Department of Family Medicine at the Miller School of Medicine.
Join us in person or online as Dr. Koffler discusses an integrative health approach to preventing decline as we age.
The presentation will also be livestreamed using Zoom software.
To register for this event, kindly respond by sending an email to or by clicking the link here. Please indicate your modality of preference to attend, in person or online.
This event in the Berrocal Auditorium is free and open to the public. A reception will follow the lecture.
Event Type
Health and WellnessDepartment
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